Friday, September 12, 2008

journal #12... the right-wrong one visit...


Glad its finally Friday!!!

Today is our interview, we went to HRDD at 3pm as scheduled. When we look for Ma'am Marivic she was not around. So we decided to ask the only person present in the that office where she is, and she answered that Ma'am was absent for the day.

We asked her if Ma'am left any instructions that a group of students will have an interview that day but unfortunately she said none. (i guess...Ma'am was just so busy that she forgot...) Out of desperation (i was desperately desperate at that moment and partly irritated for Karl was still not around...) we decided to interview or should i say 'ambush interview' the only person present in the office.
Luckily for us that only person was the right person we are looking for! She is Ma'am Evelyn Del Rosario the USep HRDD Administrative Assistant II and she is the one who has access to the department's database. And so we interwieved her ( and Karl finally arrived...yehey....!)...

take a look:'am evelyn del rosario... usual taking notes...

karen and edsa eagerly asking questions....

We also asked if we could take a look and have screenshots of
their HRIS and payroll. The payroll is confidential but we were able to have
screenshots of their HRIS.

here it is....


Since we are still waiting for our interview, we decided to research and
proceed on making our proposal's introduction, scope, objectives and
institutional background.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

journal # 11

SEPTEMBER 8 (monday)

...we shall return...

We arrived at the HRDD office around 2pm... (after karen and tina's OR)
When we checked for Ma'am Marivic she was not still around so we waited for her for almost one hour outside the office.
After the long moment of waiting... (during which all the santan flower
near me was made into a necklace, tiara and bracelet...hehe...) finally Ma'am Marivic entertained us...she explained that the department was very busy at the moment and she has no time for an interview that day.
But she said that on friday, September 12 at 3pm we can have our promised interview.
(i hope this day is friday...i noticed we were so late in our gantt
chart schedule...huhu...)

...we shall return again...